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This time of year has always been one of my favorites. And it’s not because of the candy, that’s a bonus. It’s a time of year that you can be something you’re not. For a few hours, live out someone else’s amazing life. This is also what it feels like when I write. I’m not just writing a story, I’m writing the details of someone’s life and living it alongside them.

Something spooktacular happened this past week. While I’ve published nonfiction writing through local magazines, none of my fiction has been published. Until today! My story, Wendy and the Vampire, is one of the handful of stories featured in Vampires of New Orleans: A Short Story Collection.

If you’ve stumbled onto my page after reading the anthology, welcome! If you haven’t read it yet, I highly encourage you too. 100% of the proceeds from the book are donated to Covenant House New Orleans.

The Covenant House provides shelter and services for those under 22. Having to care for over 900 youth annually is no simple task. By purchasing this anthology, everybody wins. You get to read amazing stories all about vampires in New Orleans and a charity receives much needed funds to help their local community.

Being part of this anthology has been a unique experience for me. I’m glad I had the opportunity to be a part of it. If you’ve already read Wendy and the Vampire, I hope you enjoyed reading it. If you haven’t read it yet, please consider purchasing the anthology.

Lastly, I’d love to stay connected with you. There’s going to be a bunch of content released next year, including my first book. The book, tentatively called Dust, will be released in the spring of 2023. Please sign up for the newsletter and come along with me on my publishing journey!

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